The logo, a cartoon of an observatory in front of a mountain, with a star above
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Commissioning Images
Images taken and processed by Edward Hand for testing and publicity purposes, using the PIRATE telescope

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New Site Panoramas
Panoramas from around the new site (and of the old ART building). Photos by Edward Hand

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A visit to the newly completed OpenScience Observatories, COAST and PIRATE. Photos by Edward Hand

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Panorama Of Site
A panorama from ESA to Teide, from the BRT building.

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Users Images
This gallery is of excellent images provided by our users. Some are images of our telescope, most are the telescope's work processed with external software.

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BRT And The Milky Way
Pictures of the BRT and surrounding area set against the Milky Way by Gordon Chesterman,

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Visit October 2005 Night Time Photos
Long exposures of the BRT, star trails, the Moon and more. Photos by Dan Hedges.

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Visit 2005 Photos from around the site
Photos taken of the observatory site. High resolution. Photos by Dan Hedges.

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Visit October 05, BRT images
Images of the BRT building, sensors and telescope in the day, high resolution. Photos by Dan Hedges

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Visit June05
Views of the dome, container, and team

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Astronomy Pictures January 2005
Some early astronomical images from the webcams and the robotic telescope. If you want to see the difference between the web cams and the astronomy cameras, look at the images "real size".

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The big freeze of 2005
Pictures taken of our building during some of the worst weather for 6-7 years. This should explain why the system hasn't been operating for a while!

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Visit December 2004
Visit to Tenerife by Chris and Dan to replace some power systems and perform a large alignment run. Pictures by Chris Tallon.

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Visit November 2004
This was a visit by John Baruch around a couple of meetings at the IAC.

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Site & Surroundings
Views around the Observatory June 2004 Images by John Baruch

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La Palma
Photos from a visit to the Observatorio Del Roque De Los Muchachos on the island of La Palma. Images by Dan Hedges.

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Fourth Trip
The old roof is gone, now we are building the support structure for the new dome. Pictures by Chris Tallon.

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Third Trip
Phil and Didge investigate removing the old roof. Various other work was done to the site. Pictures by Chris Tallon.

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Second Trip
Our second trip to the mountain. We took Phil and Didge from the engineering department to help us rip out some of the old kit. Pictures by Chris Tallon.

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First Trip
This is the first trip to Tenerife for the new project. This is how we found the site, and what we started from! Pictures by Chris Tallon.
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